Car Accident Lawyer: Secure Your Rights After a Car Accident with The Law Offices of Stuart Kerner P.C.

Car accidents can strike at any time and anywhere, leaving individuals with injuries to their property, injuries, emotional distress, and financial losses. It's simply an extremely stressful experience. This is why it's vital for accident victims to establish their legal rights and receive compensation for any damage incurred.

Fortunately you can count on the Law Offices of Stuart Kerner P.C., one of the most reputable law firms provides expert guidance and representation for victims of car collisions.

At The Law Offices of Stuart Kerner P.C., we are aware that dealing with an insurance provider and medical costs can be overwhelming for the victims of car collisions. Our knowledgeable team of personal injury lawyers is devoted to ensure that our clients receive the compensation they are due during this trying time specifically for their severe injury, mental pain, and suffering.

We believe in delivering individualized care to each client and ensuring that our clients feel comfortable throughout the legal process. With our extensive experience in personal injury law and handling difficult personal injury cases the legal staff at our firm is dedicated to securing that justice is served to the victims and ensuring that negligent parties are held accountable.

Car Accident Attorney Affordable

Frequently Asked Questions

Even if the police arrive on the scene, the scenario may not be criminal. Automobile accidents have both civil and criminal implications. A car accident personal injury lawyer may be able to help you pursue your case regardless of whether or not there are accompanying criminal charges.

Insurance protects both the driver and the vehicle itself. As a consequence, the owner of a car is NOT liable for any accidents caused by a friend, family, or other borrower while using the vehicle.

Following a car accident, you may have a variety of physical symptoms, including a headache, aching shoulders and neck, back discomfort, stomach pain, bruising or numbness, and mental anguish. Headaches may be caused by a concussion, brain damage, a blood clot, or whiplash.